Artiklar från Culture Unbound

Rupture and Exile
2016-10-04 This editorial marks the launch of Culture Unbound’s eighth annual volume. Eva Hemmungs Wirtén remains as editor in chief and is joined by James Meese as as-sociate editor and Johanna Dahlin as executive editor. The editorial team is based on different continents but the team did manage to meet at the beginning of this year. During this meeting, we set out a number of new directions for the future and we are convinced that 2016 will be an exciting year for the journal. The last thematic section of 2015 “Publishing for Public Knowledge” emerged from the workshop celebrating Culture Unbound’s first five years and discussed publishing policies and changing political and economic conditions for knowledge production. We will continue to engage with the question of how changing political and financial conditions and expectations for academia affect how knowledge can be produced and published in the years to come. In 2016 our readers will begin to notice some changes/.../ (from Editorial, Culture Unbound vol. 8 2016)»

Publishing for Public Knowledge
2016-01-25 Academic publishing is a strange business. One might hope and expect that most scholars, regardless of discipline, would see it as one of their major academic duties to share their findings, and to interact with their peers and the general populace, via literal public-ation - the making-public of new knowledge. But even with such lofty ideals, the realpolitik of where, when, and how academics publish their scholarly work - based on the contemporary pressures and tensions of funding environments, the quantification and metricisation of scholarly work, and mechanisms for recognition and career reward - can lead to some curious and even perverse effects (ur introduktionen).»

Theme: Cultures of Disasters
2015-10-30 Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research is proud to present a new thematic issue: ‘Cultures of Disaster’ edited by Anders Ekström and Kyrre Kverndokk. This special issue contains three sections. The first one is called “Disaster Narratives” and in this section several of the papers examine one of the most deeply rooted disaster imaginaries - the apocalypse. The papers discuss how societal and environmental issues are articulated as apocalyptic narratives. The second section “Catastrophizations” contains two papers using disaster optics to study popular and political productions of states of emergencies. The last section, named “Contingency, Resilience and Culture”, shows some varieties of what has been called the cultural turn in disaster studies.»

Motion and Emotion
2015-06-12 Journal of Current Cultural Research is proud to present a new thematic issue: ‘Motion and Emotion’ edited by Ann Werner. The issue discusses the practices of movement and feelings, their place and relevance in cultures and societies. It covers topics such as mobile music consumption, tourism and commuting, the logistics of family life, and migration and the emergent cocaine trade in Guinnea-Bissua.»

Circulating Stuff through Second-hand, Vintage and Retro Markets
2015-03-17 With modernity, the circulation of used objects though donation, selling, barter and gifting has tended to take place in the shadow of increasingly dominating forms of industrial commodity production and consumption. Progress-oriented consumer modernity in the 1950s and 1960s and deregulated global markets in the 1980s and 1990s created conditions for great leaps forward for a linear consump-tion practice that in Sweden was strikingly captured by the motto ‘buy, use and discard’. Lately, however, the relatively unchallenged position of first cycle mass production and consumption has come under question, and throughout affluent countries in the Global North there is an emergent interest in various forms of circulation and reuse (ur inledning Culture Unboud #1 2015).»

Capitalism: Current Crisis and Cultural Critique
2014-02-26 "Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research" is launching its sixth annual volume with a grand issue on “Capitalism: Current Crisis and Cultural Critique”. The thematic section is edited by Johan Fornäs and offers a rich and comprehensive analysis of the present economic order, with a full-length editorial introduction. In thirteen articles a number of renowned academics discuss the (un-)sustainability of the current mode of capitalist production, against the backdrop of the recent economic crisis and in the light of cultural and social theory. Subjects of the different articles range from Marxist perspectives on contemporary financial capitalism to the constriction of neoliberal subjectivity and working conditions in the creative industries. »

Innehåll #4 2012
2013-12-02 Innehåll #4 2012»

2013-11-30 Thematic Sections: Fashion; Market and Materiality; Creativity Unbound - Policies; Government and the Creative Industries and Exhibiting Europe.»

2013-11-29 Surveillance, Rural Media Spaces, Culture, Work and Emotion, Literary Public Spheres and Uses of the Past - Nordic Historic Cultures in a Comparative Perspective»

What’s the Use of Cultural Research?
2013-11-28 What’s the Use of Cultural Research? City of Signs / Signs of the City, Reviews and Other Articles»

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