Artiklar från Ars Interpres (Nedlagd)

A Day of Poetry
2010-12-14 Tre organisationer från tre länder Cypern, Grekland och Sverige arrangerade via Internet och sattelit ”A day of Poetry”. Via två monitorer, en i Berns Salonger och en i Café Floral kunde deltagande poeter lyssna på varandras bidrag. Den svenske moderatorn Ardis Grosjean Dreisbach och poeten Dipak Mazumdar summerar här sina upplevelser.»

Rich Fare from Unexpected Places
Detalj ur den större bilden: publik framför en svart affisch med texten POESI 2007-10-18 "There are those festivals and literary events that find their form and then go on repeating it. Not so Ars Interpres”, skriver Ardis Grosjean Dreisbach om den tredje Ars Interpres-festivalen som hölls i Stockholm den 4-6 oktober och förde lyssnarna till oväntade platser via poesi från såväl Singapore som Vitryssland.»

From the Labyrinth [Ars Interpres Nr: 8-9]
Ars Interpres No. 8/9 2007-10-15 Ars Interpres special double issue features new poems from Les Murray, Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill, Amir Or, John Kinsella, Annie Finch, Dennis Nurkse, selected Singapore poets; and new translations of Lennart Sjögr...»

Poesifestival runtom i Stockholm
2007-10-02 Ars Interpres Poetry Festival samlar poeter från Sverige och andra länder i en serie litterära evenemang i Stockholm mellan den 4 och 6 oktober. Toh Hsien Min, Valzhyna Mort, Petter Lindgren, Patty Crane och Ulrikka S. Gernes är några av deltagarna. »

Les Murray gästar Stockholm
2007-05-16 Australiensiske Les Murray, som anses vara en av vår tids mest intressanta poeter, kommer till Stockholm den 20-21 maj för två arrangemang i Ars Interpres regi. »

Bravo Ars Interpres
Aleksandr Kushner på scenen och Ilya Bernstein bredvid 2006-10-22 "It was like dropping a stone in a calm lake, ripples went on growing and growing; colours, smell and touch kept on recreating new perceptions and shifting scenes. The sound of spoken words surpass everything …" Dipak Mazumdar delar med sig av sina intryck från Ars Interpres Poetry Festival i Stockholm. »

Poesi över hela Stockholm
2006-09-19 Ars Interpres Poetry Festival, som äger rum i Stockholm i oktober, samlar över 20 poeter från Sverige, Polen, Australien och ett tiotal andra länder. Tanken är att visa upp den bästa samtida poesin för största möjliga publik via översättningar av högsta kvalitet.»

Locks and Keys
2006-09-18 Editor’s Notes ________________________________________________ The Greeks said everything, and then the Romans repeated the same for better retention. All that is left for the following generati...»

Two Skies
2005-11-27 EDITOR\'S NOTES This double issue of the Ars Interpres is dedicated to the two, at first glance, different themes -- geography and religion. However, there is much in common between them. For instance, both have sufficiently many blank spots. Even if everything was already discovered a long time ago, every person, especially a poet, finds something so unexplored or forgotten that it needs to be discovered again. For many, God and His Kingdom have become blank spots. That is how the main idea of this issue, Two Skies, has sprung up. It is an attempt to collect the host of examples of the visible and invisible heavens. Religion has all the same things as geography; i.e. deserts where man meets God, mountains where the prophets receive instructions, seas that part to save the persecuted, infinite multitude of roads which people take to or away from God…. There is no doubt that MOVEMENT connects the themes of religion and geography. And if Osip Mandelstam, a poet whose newly translated poems we publish in this issue, could not move freely within the limited geography of Stalinist Russia, nothing could restrict him in his progress toward the heaven. Thus, the poet gained internal freedom and ascended above his own fate. A well-versed reader does not have need of memory. He can simply list everything he ever read in his life. Frequently, this list is his biography, geography, and religion. But because the reader, just like the poet, is primarily directed toward the process of comprehension rather than its result, let us wish him every success reading the new issue of our journal.»

Poetiska skärningspunkter
(left to right) Juris Kronbergs, Hildred Crill, Daniel Weissbort, Johann Hjalmarsson, Bengt Jangfeldt, Andrey Gritsman, Gleb Shulpyakov, Valentina Polukhina, Les Murray, at the poetry reading "Poetiska Skärningspunkter" (At the Point of Crossing) in the Nordic Museum (Stockholm, October 2004).  Photographer: Petra Isaksson 2004-11-30 "For Alexander Deriev and the Ars Interpres editorial board, Stockholm has the capacity to be a hub, situated as it is between eastern and western Europe, having long-standing continental and Anglo-Saxon ties, and with English as a de facto second language." Ardis Grosjean Dreisbach uppmanar alla litteraturintresserade att hålla ögonen på Stockholm efter det lyckade evenemanget "At the Point of Crossing" i tidskriften Ars Interpres regi. »

Ars Interpres #3
cover Ars Interpres No 3, ear & insects 2004-11-24 No 3: Blessing of the Beasts»

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